“365 Days after…” by Payap KAEWKRED


Letting Art led his career and path of life.

He uses various mediums of Arts through paintings, music, drama and creative writings to communicate with people and society. He enjoys exploring diversified roles as an artist, actor, scriptwriter and film director. He is also a learning process designer and facilitator in inner self development for children, youths, families and working age. He has worked with young activists and vulnerable kids in Thailand, Myanmar and Laos.

Since 2011, his exhibitions and art performances have been shown continuously both in group and solo, in Thailand, Japan, Singapore and Myanmar.

การปลดปล่อย Liberation 1, 28×37.5 cm Ink and water color on Paper 4,365 THB
การปลดปล่อย Liberation 2, 28×37.5 cm Ink and water color on Paper 4,365 THB (Reserved)

please contact us via Facebook page: SEM for more information

Visit Payap Art work at “365 days after….” An exhibition of feelings towards the Myanmar coup through arts of everyday resistance.

At Bangkok Art and Cultural Center (BACC)

February 01 – 27, 2022